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Welcome to


think hope think happy

That next BIG THING IS YOU!  

The best version of you that you were born to be...the one you are meant to be!

YOUth2RIVE is a program designed just for you... A teenager or young adult who is trying to  figure out this 'balancing act' of LIFE.  We focus on building self confidence and a YOU that you really like and are proud of. 

Our program is very interactive.  Each week we engage in a different activity from travelling outside of the city to discover new places, creating fundraisers to give back to our community, to cooking some pretty awesome food!

If you are a little worried, stressed or feeling the pressure of entering the 'adult' world...don't freak out!  

We've got you!  If you choose to join us for 1 year or 4, we can show you how to handle stress, attack and solve problems, feel confident in your skin and become that successful young adult you want to be!

Sign up below to receive more details and your start date. Get's going to be a ride!

Thank you for contacting YOUth2RIVE! We will message you within the next 24 hours! Have an awsome day!

Copyright ​OLA Childrens Project 2021                                                                                                                               

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